By placing a booking with Avon Dog Services Ltd you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted our terms and conditions below. Completion of the booking process and acceptance of our terms and conditions forms your contract with Avon Dog Services Ltd.
Payment in full is required at the time of booking. If it becomes necessary for you to cancel the a course, workshop or private lesson after you have booked and paid for it but before you have started it we require 14 working days notice for a refund to be made. Any refund made will be reduced by an administration fee of £15.00. If the service you purchased requires a deposit, please note these are non refundable. If you start the course and then cancel, fail to turn up to a course or one to one booking no refund will be made except in special circumstances. This situation will be considered case by case. You may cancel your purchase within a period of 14 working days beginning the moment you place your order. However, there is no right of cancellation where the class, private lesson or behaviour consultation begins within a 7 day period. If we are hosting another trainer or professional for workshops and training courses, or long running courses running 2 months or more consecutively there is a 'no refund' policy applied to these events. You will be notified of this when making your booking
If you have booked an in-person session and covid restrictions increase meaning we are unable to see you in-person, your session will take place online. You do have the option of deferring your session to a time when restrictions have eased and moving your session will be arranged at no extra cost.
We encourage all people considering booking group training courses with us to come along and view our class before booking onto it. This will enable you to be sure you can make the allocated time and that you like the way we run our classes. We do not allow any form of harsh handling and we use proven kind and effective techniques. Therefore, we do not tolerate any methods that cause pain, fear or intimidation to the dog, nor any aversive devices. All you need to bring is a standard lead (not exdendable) and either a collar that is as wide and comfortable as possible or a harness. Please also consider a variety of training treats and toys.
You must not knowingly book an aggressive or highly reactive dog onto one of our training courses (except our Aggressive Dogs course for which you will need to attend a behaviour consultation to be able to attend). If in doubt please make arrangement for us to assess your dog before booking onto a course. This can be done at the venue you are considering attending. If you have not asked us to assess your dog and then find that your dog is highly reactive, nervous or aggressive we may not refund your course payment. However, if we have assessed your dog and still find the dog is aggressive in the class we will offer an alternative solution such as one to one training or an outdoor class etc in order to meet your aims.
All client details are kept in confidence and are not passed on to a third party for any reason. Any details disclosed to Avon Dog Services employees and assistants is only on a ‘need to know’ basis. Email addresses from original point of contact are used to inform clients of upcoming Avon Dog Services activities and services. Your details will be held on our sytem for up a maximum of 3 years from the last activity you attended. You can request not to receive emails from us by emailing us, or using the 'unsubscribe' button from our newsletters.